FramerAuth Guide

RUN template needed a FramerAuth subscription if you want to use the optional membership subscription feature.

FramerAuth - Official Framer Integration - tool that allows you to restrict access to your Framer pages. It enables you to require users to sign up via email or use a Lemon Squeezy license key to view exclusive content.

1.Purchase Subscription

2.Change/Add snippet

  1. Go to FramerAuth Dashboard / click Setup / scroll to Snippet, Copy snippet

  2. Go to Framer Site / click Settings (gear icon top right) / click General

  3. Paste the code in the start of <body> tag and press Save.

3.Projects Settings in FramerAuth

  1. Project Name
    Please enter the name of your project.

  2. Test Website
    The test link to your website, which you will find in Framer Site by clicking Publish, copy the first link.

  3. Live Website
    The live link to your website, which you will find in Framer Site by clicking Publish, copy the second link.

P.S. In my example, the links are written in reverse, as this is necessary for the correct operation of the FramerAuth demonstration.

4.Link to your Product on Lemon Squeezy

  1. Register on Lemon Squeezy.

  2. Create a product and add options and descriptions to them.

  3. Click "Share" / paste the link for the "Subscribe" button into Framer Site as shown in the demo video.

5.Additional Info

Additional answers to questions regarding FramerAuth can be found on their official website, or you can reach out to me: