Importing Your Data

Importing Your Data

Give your data analysis a jumpstart by importing your existing data into the Ai Analitycs platform. Ai Analitycs supports various file formats, allowing you to upload spreadsheets, CSV files, or even connect directly to your databases.

Supported File Formats

Ai Analitycs offers flexibility by supporting commonly used data formats like:

  • Comma-Separated Values (CSV)

  • Microsoft Excel (XLSX)

  • Text files (TXT)

  • Additionally, Ai Analitycs allows for database connections to various platforms.

The Import Process

The import process in Ai Analitycs is user-friendly. You can either drag and drop your data file directly onto the platform or use the file upload option. For database connections, Ai Analitycs will guide you through a secure authentication process to establish a connection.

Tip: Ensure your data file is well-organized and free of errors before uploading it to Ai Analitycs for a smoother import process.